acting headshots

Photo Studio308 Professional Headshots nyc

The Ultimate Guide to Headshots and Why You Need Them

A headshot is a portrait of someone’s head and shoulders. It can be used for a variety of purposes.

The best headshot photographers in New York City are those who have mastered the art of capturing the personality and emotions of the subject. They understand what the client needs and are able to produce high-quality photos that will make their clients look their best.

A good headshot photographer in New York City will know how to highlight your strengths while minimizing your flaws, which is why it’s important to do thorough research before you hire one.

Why You Need Professionally Taken Headshots

People often believe that their resume is their ticket to a job. But what if the wrong photo prevents you from getting the right job?

This is a very real problem for people who are looking for jobs. They might have an impressive resume, but they can’t get an interview because they don’t have the right picture on LinkedIn or social media.

This section discusses how important it is to update your professional profile by including the correct photos of yourself.

My life just got so much better since I got professionally taken headshots from a company that specializes in headshots. I’m not just talking about looking more youthful, more attractive, or clearing acne. I’m talking about feeling better about myself and my life.

I think back to when I was a young twenty-something who had a spouse and two kids and was working full-time. Monday mornings were torture because the sun was just coming up and I would be trying to get ready for work. I would sit on the edge of my bed, stare at myself in the mirror, wondering what in the world happened. My hair is all over the place, my body is a wreck, one eye is closed because I had forgotten to take out my contacts – needing both hands to get that done – and there’s barely any makeup on my face that’s been rubbed away by sleep or fear of having not done enough or being judged by colleagues who see me this way every day.

In this day and age, what you do on social media can be just as important as what you put on your resume. In fact, if not more so! We often see prospective employers checking out our Facebook profiles before they even call us in for an interview.

So it’s not just about the words we use in our resume or how we present ourselves in a meeting; it’s also about how we present ourselves online.

What’s Next After Your Photo Shoot?

The professional profile is one of the most important parts of your resume. It’s what employers see first, and it’s what they base their decision on whether or not to call you in for an interview.

We will explore how to create a professional profile that will grab the attention of employers, and make them want to hire you.

There are many things that go into creating a good professional profile, such as:

– The photo you use in your profile

– The headline for your profile

– The content of your profile

– Your social media profiles

Good professional profiles are made up of a few key things:

1. Personal branding

– your personal brand is what makes you unique and sets you apart from the rest. It’s important to use your professional profile as a place to showcase your personal branding and create an image for yourself that will get people interested in what you have to offer.

2. Professional purpose

– it’s important to know why you’re on LinkedIn and what you want to achieve by being on LinkedIn. Your professional profile should be a reflection of your personal brand, so make sure that it aligns with what you want people to know about you.

3. Update your resume

– update the information on your resume by updating any skills or accomplishments that are relevant in today’s market, or add new ones if they’re relevant but not listed on your resume yet!

Don’t let the wrong photos prevent you from getting the right job!

Accepted and celebrated everywhere, headshots are the foundation of your online presence. Your best headshots can help you get noticed before your resume.

Professional and affordable, we’ll take pictures that show your personality and skills in an instant. Stand out by looking great online and in person, without paying a fortune.


to schedule your session with our professional photographer!

The Ultimate Guide to Headshots and Why You Need Them Read More »

actor headshots nyc

What Type Of Headshots Do Actors Need?


Your headshot is your calling card in your acting career so you better take the best kind of headshots to ensure that an acting agency will call you up.  A headshot is almost like a passport size picture but bigger and more characteristic because it’s acting right? A typical headshot ranges about 8×10 inches and can either be in black and white or coloured.

However, what kind of acting headshots do actors need? The kind of headshots should meet the requirements of an acting recruiting agency. The agency goes through the headshots to determine which actors to call into an audition for a role. Therefore, actors require headshots that meet the needs of a recruiting agency and then more.             

actor headshots nyc
actor headshots nyc

Types of Acting Headshots NYC

Types of acting headshots revolve around lighting, personality and pose. This is mainly because the acting headshots need to show the actors personality just by looking at it. Therefore, when considering the best actor headshots New York here is what to look for.

Go for professional

You are likely to go for cheap headshot agencies to save a buck but in this case, expensive is better. The average range for pricing is between $400 and $1,200 for a professional who is trained. They are more likely to understand the concept of lighting, pose and character. Depending on the acting headshots NYC, you are capable of getting headshot packages that are inclusive of the shoot, editing, and printing.

Focus On the Portrait

Most if not all actor headshots New York are from the bust-up. Such shots show the eyes and the facial features that bring out your character. Therefore, when focusing on actor headshots, you want to showcase your normal character and not glamour. It means that you shouldn’t be acting in the photo or too propped up from the clothes you’re wearing. You want the recruiting agency to focus on your face and not a busy background. The background should also be plain especially plain grey or neutral colour to draw attention to you.  

Natural light

Natural light is better than studio light because studio light is artificial and will not bring out your features like in natural light. Your headshot will look altered or edited hence not showcasing your natural self which is what agencies are looking for.

Fashion Photographer Photo Studio 308
Fashion Photographer Photo Studio 308

No Makeup for Headshots

Actor headshots are meant to show your natural character and when too much makeup is involved you end up hiding your true character behind the makeup. The purpose of a natural headshot is for the recruiters to see which part you best fit in an acting gig. Therefore, makeup will get you the call but once you meet face to face, the recruiters may be disappointed because they don’t see you in your natural form.

When looking for acting headshots NYC companies, be sure to ask what the package offers and how much is charged before getting into the operation to avoid any confusing scenarios in terms of payment and services rendered.


What Type Of Headshots Do Actors Need? Read More »

actor headshots nyc

What makes a good headshot?

Being comfortable in a selfie isn’t easy, being comfortable in a photoshoot is a whole other story. Being in front of a camera in a room full of strangers is daunting to say the least, and may be one of your rather vulnerable moments. Yet grasping the key to have your best moments documented is wholeheartedly rewarding. No model starts out stunning the camera, but practice makes it better; lenses can capture your insecurities, but too, your confidence.

Before a shoot, let loose. Walk around, star jumps, stretch. You want to feel your muscles and mind relaxed and comfortable. You sometimes know you see a picture and the person looks like they have to take a deuce, it shows.

actor headshots nyc

actor headshots nyc



Stay hydrated, and get enough rest. Photoshop can clear out your skin $1/pixel but nothing beats a healthy body.

Know your angles. The Majority of us have asymmetrical faces, if you can’t beat the minor percentage of genetically blessed human beings, use your asymmetry. Angle any part(s) of your body, face, shoulders, arms, chest, hips, legs; think about creating an ’S’ or a ‘C’ curve by example dropping a hip or turning a head. Once you’re comfortable with a few poses, switch it up, practice using your entire body.

When it comes to poses, open up your body, and don’t be afraid to relax your eyes; staring dead straight into the camera isn’t always effective. Standing straight, you want to feel less like a soldier, more like personal security, like you can claim the room if you wanted to.

One hand on hip? This is neither Hannah Montana, nor prom.

Pose with intention. Do you have a prop, is that the focal point? Is your face the focus or are you trying to showcase a pair of shoes? Think about what you want the audience to see on the image that you are posing for right now.

Don’t be afraid to try new poses, improve style during a shoot. If it doesn’t work, it’s a delete button away to no trace of its existence.

These are the only few hints of many countless you can learn by doing actual shoots. You can practice in front of the mirror all day but nothing beats communicating with your photographer during the session. Feedback from others helps to see things you might not have noticed; maybe your neck looks a bit too stretched forward, or your arm’s lifted too unnatural, etc. The biggest difference can be made by the slightest change of gesture. Modelling is trial and error, but learn from the errors, and keep running the trails.


actor headshots nyc
actor headshots nyc



What makes a good headshot? Read More »